
OSG: leading supplier of cutting tools

26 de December de 2022

OSG, since 1938, is the leading supplier of cutting tools in the Japanese market and occupies a leading position worldwide, with a production, sales and technology network covering more than 33 countries. They are a subsidiary dedicated to the manufacture of rotary and insertable tools with operations in Spain and Portugal. They stand out in the Automotive, Aerospace, Energy (Wind, Solar, Nuclear and others), Moulds and dies and Medical (dental and others) sectors.

Why have you decided to go for Mindtech in its third edition in 2023?

A year ago we started to bet on the Galician market, a market never prospected by OSG. After this year, the Mindtech fair is an opportunity for us to expand and make ourselves better known, approaching small and large companies that we have not been able to access previously.

What is the added value for your company when participating in this fair?

We want the market to get to know us, to know that we are there, to introduce ourselves and show what and who we are behind the brand that already leads the market.

What novelties will you be presenting at Mindtech 2023?

At Mindtech 2023 we will show our wide range of cutting tools whose versatility reaches the most extreme applications and materials. We will offer unique and customised solutions from our engineering and production department.

How do you face the recovery/reactivation in the current context of lack of raw materials, rising costs of supplies and energy, etc.?

As a company, we have tried to absorb all the increases we have suffered in both supplies and raw materials throughout the year. In order not to pass on any type of expense to our end customer. Fortunately, we have been able to maintain the deadlines and the quality of each of the tools we have manufactured.

What do you think is the differential value of the metal industry and its associated technologies in the Iberian Pole in particular?

The metal industry in the Iberian market is no longer competitive when it comes to costs and prices. The cost of labour is significantly higher than in other emerging countries, so we must make our differential value the quality and innovation of our products.

We have extensive experience and know-how and that is why we must continue to invest in research and development.